why do we need Graphs in programs documentation ?

2 min readJan 18, 2022


First of all, we all humans are suffering from visual pollution. so our mind needs peace. so make peace with it and you will see that little creature could analyze just like a nuclear reactor for you. but how?

many newbies programmers always ask me and say: “mrrabbit, I can’t find out what’s going on in these damn documentations. where can I start? how can I figure out whats the relations between functions and other stuff? …

Yes I know, but maybe it’s not the problem of newbies, maybe documentations needs to get better for the future. the world is changing, the explosion of blockchain projects is happening. more and more functions and databases are emerging. how could we understand all aspects of these projects? is there a way to get an insight into the project before we start to read the bulk documentations?

so as you may know, the mind of a human could receive pictures much faster than words. words need more energy to understand. words need to analyze, need a background science of phonetics and analyze every phonetics, every word, every sentence, every paragraph and understanding the relations of functions code and purposes to other functions and so on.

when you see a graph, how do you feel? the first feeling is a sorted hierarchy of functions. hierarchical means you eventually could understand the importance of each function. how come?

I must discuss it more, imagine a system of transporting goods, which people or sections have more importance which means more profits? yes, that’s damn right, the dealer and storage have more importance, why? because that man/woman has more relations to others, they control the flow of goods in system and storage section is important because all goods come from. any danger to that section means we are f**ked up … .

so we could understand the important nodes of system by seeing them. program is a system, functions are nodes of that system, more relations mean more important role. maybe you ask yourself: “why bothering so mush myself for this kind of stuff like graphs or charts in documentation? “. do you remember why we have open source thinking? … we want to ease the way of performing programs for people. people love open source because of the freedom and simplicity of creating creative new stuff with them. graphs make jobs easier and more understandable for programmers.

so if you want be a better programmer, pay attention to your audience, their needs, easiness of doing their jobs and etc. graphs make your work more professional and I assure you, it works … .




Written by xmrrabbitx

programmer, web designer, php, laravel, js, nextjs, solidity, interested in blockchain