The Future of Mankind: A Return to Stone Age or Cyborgs Everywhere?

5 min readOct 14, 2021

“If National Resistance Front gave up on resistance, Afghanistan would turn into a safe haven for international terrorists”

Ahmad Massoud

#DoNotTouchMyClothes, yes this is the voice of Afghanistan women and today is 2021. Taliban took control of all Afghanistan and raped underage girls. They banned men from shaving their faces and obligated women to wear hijab.

Um… this is not the futuristic utopian world imagined by you in your teenage ages. it’s like the dark age of human history and all the big democracies seem to be desperate for helping the people of Afghanistan. so let me ask you a question: “where are we going?, to the future with spaceships and all other cool stuff? or to a dark age?, when tech is taboo and we must bow to landlords unless they execute us.

From Neuralink to Independent Thinking of AI

In the meanwhile, in America, a man named Elon Musk has started a project called Neuralink to enhance the ability of the human brain to get and process data much faster than usual. In another project called Space X, he wants to conquer space, and recently in Codecon, he said that he wants to build a civilization on Mars. however, the speed of progress in these fields is not as speedy as you might expect but comparing this to discovering fire in the paleolithic period which took long about 500 thousand years, is not that too much.

In the Neuralink project, the team found new neurons that are exclusively related to the human brain, and this is the most wonderful occurrence in this project, maybe we finally approached independent thinking of AI or maybe it’s just the beginning of the long path to the heaven of AI.

Besides all these projects, there is another project called “Mind Uploading”. let me explain this to you, mind uploading is about scanning of the brain and upload the data to a computer or just better to say: “a simulation world”. so a copy of you could live inside a simulation world and maybe this project eventually leads to an eternity of man.

So all these projects are happening now and make our future, a cyborg future where humans merge with AI.

these gaps in the science of countries around the world remind me of the gaps between rich and poor people. so is it really about money or the order of the world?

Inequality in Food distribution and Class Gaps

Today, the top one percent of incomes in the United State accounts for one-fifth of US earnings. I think this fact is enough for everyone to understand how the class gap forms and how power distributes between minorities in society.

From 1800 to the 1920s, inequality increased more than a hundredfold. Then came the reversal: from the 1920s to 1980, it shrank back to levels not seen since the mid-19th century. From 1980 to the present, the wealth gap has been on another steep.

So better to say we have a duplicate pattern, this pattern is like inequality forms and pressure on society, society reacts to this situation as a strike, protesting, and eventually revolution. The government will be changed and society will be trying so hard to build equity ad shrink the gap between rich and poor and so on. Inequality of food resources is worse than inequality of wealth and from 2004, there has been an overall increase in hunger levels.

Is it similar to you? it’s just like science distribution but in a wider range. the science distribution between countries had many reasons from economic aspects to cultural elements. so could we pursue the path of science distribution to find out the future of the world goes to where?

From Spartacus to Modern Slavery

From 73 B.C when Spartacus, a famous slave sold and sent to Copua for training till now, we have slavery in many forms. but are we slaves now?

I respond to this question in this way, the modern form of slavery is converted to a conceptual form.

The big techs, governments, politicians, men with powers now must control people with different tools and ways. maybe you say this is not formal slavery but I say this is the most efficient way of slavery, slavery of man in mind. now they don’t have to obligate you to perform the orders. when war, chaos, less developed areas in the world exist or better to say make these areas to less developed areas leads to low level of science in these countries, in this situation you have many free workers for developing your areas.

So now the last question: are we going to a bright cyborg or a dark age future? Actually, it’s a clear pattern, it’s a dual world for the future, many modern areas with high tech and many less developed areas for high efficient free workers. there is no evidence of abandoning this pattern unless the automation of AI will have enough efficiency for all processes.

Maybe the world created by humans has been built on the basis of inequality but I believe the only way to break these chains of modern slavery is the automation of AI in full control and independent thinking.


From a systematic aspect, there isn’t much complexity. it’s just a balance of power between low and high, less and high development, rich and poor, power and weak and … . so the future of man on this planet goes on with this pattern and always changing based on this pattern and no … we have no utopian future with spaceships where all humans are equal with powers because this is not based on reality and pattern of inequality, this is not efficient for men with powers. the only and efficient way with the least harm is independent thinking of AI and nothing else more.




programmer, web designer, php, laravel, js, nextjs, solidity, interested in blockchain